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Donate & Join Today

The Constitution Party of New Jersey is always looking for new members.
Whether you are interest in running for an elected position, helping out 'behind the scenes', or just want to attend meetings & events to be a part of a community of like-minded people, we welcome you.

You must be a registered voter in New Jersey to join.
(All family members listed must be registered voters for the 'Family Membership.)

Minimum Donations:
Individuals: $25
Families: $35

To donate/join online use the Paypal "Donate" link below.

To donate and join by mail, download the form below.  Please fill in all required forms and include your check to the address listed on the form.

National Party Site


"...there have always been those who wish to enlarge the powers of the General Government. It has no power to raise a revenue or impose taxes except for the purposes enumerated in the Constitution....Every attempt to exercise power beyond these limits should be promptly and firmly opposed."

Constitution Party of New Jersey - 2020
